Monday, February 1, 2010

whenever it rain falls....i opened my eyes with an icy pain ;
whenever sunny came...i closed my eyes with a hot pain ;

oh!!!!wind..why you brought me into the heart of globe..???
oh!!!!globe...why you buried me into the closet of mud..???
at night!!! monsoon comes
with a veil of silence,
with a care of mother,
with a power of destroyer........
oh!!!!monsoon ...why are you weeping.....???
where is your vengeance and valiant...???
why you reluctant and decline...???
oh!!!!monsoon retrieve yourself and shatter whole ;
with your wild weapon;
strange,intoxicate,sharp and stout one...........
its from the den of demise........
come monsoon come....
shatter whole merciless nasty creatures....................................



{ Pampally Director } at: October 4, 2010 at 8:05 PM said...

I love this. Beautiful and great. You are blessed with the power of poetic words. Keep it up


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